Some people have a tough time remembering to bring their insurance card when rushing to the hospital. Others are fully prepared, with special designed gowns in their wardrobe.
Most people think that hospital clothes are boring and unfashionable, and they usually are. I am not so superficial that I highly prioritize my outfit when being hospitalized; however, I don’t think it would do any harm if the hospital clothes were pimped up a little bit. Obviously, the focus of the design is that the clothes should be practical and serve their purpose, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they have to be boring. When researching this topic, I found that there was already a market out there for designed hospital gowns. Several companies provide a big range of stylish hospital clothes in different colors and designs. But for who? People who live in hospices and nursing homes are apparently one of the main target groups, but according to the information on their web pages and in articles, the companies also turn to people who believe it is important to be fashionably dressed in every possible occasion. It might seem quite strange to buy clothes for such a distressing situation, as being hospitalized, but apparently there are people who do. Rumors say that some celebrities have designed hospital gowns in their wardrobes. I don’t know if this is true, but I would probably also consider having one if I was chased by paparazzi. I mean, I would not like the whole world to see photos of me in an unflattering gown.
Those who are interested in preparing for being fancily dressed, if the worst occurs, can order their favorite hospital outfit online. The gowns costs $30-$50 and the ordering procedure is the same as for any other online shopping. The web pages offer many different styles of gowns and some of them have beautiful details such as appliquéd rosettes and embroidered roses. Most of the gowns are designed for women but there are some pieces of clothes for men too. What kind of hospital gown do you prefer? My favorite is this pink one:

Web pages you can check out if you are interested are:
Scrubies Wear
Hospice Gowns
Nursinghome apparel