
One more fashion blog?

The fashion blogs first appeared in the blogosphere in 2002 and the phenomenon has grown considerably since then. Today, the Internet is crowded with people from around the world writing about fashion, but what are they really reporting about? According to Wikipedia, the fashion bloggers usually cover things such as runway trends, fashion items, celebrity fashion and street style. However, my personal opinion is that many of those blogs appear to exist primarily to satisfy the bloggers narcissistic needs, rather than to share thoughts and knowledge about fashion. At least most of the Swedish blogs mainly consist of posts with photos in which the bloggers show their outfits of the day and let the readers know which fancy stores they have bought the clothes from. To me these bloggers seem to be attention-seeking people with an extreme need of encouragement from other people…and they get it. It is almost as if the fashion bloggers have gathered together in a big “complementing each other” group. Furthermore, my observation is that you often don’t get comments about your posts because you have written something interesting, but because you have made a lot of comments in other people’s blogs. It is kind of an elementary school mentality; if you write a comment to me telling that I have nice clothes, I will write a comment to you telling the same. I know that making comments is a way of marketing yourself and your blog, but what do these bloggers really want to market?

As you might already have figured out, I don’t plan to be one of these fashion bloggers. So if you are here looking for tips about the absolute coolest trends and must-have accessories for this autumn I would advise you to look somewhere else. In this blog I am going to cover fashion from all around the world. My intention is to write about different aspects of fashion and share my thoughts about the industry because fashion and clothes aren’t just about products, designs or shopping, it is about so much more.

1 comment:

IrieDiva said...

it will be interesting to see wat you bring to the table.