I am one of four hundred international students at Central Connecticut State University. We are all facing different issues trying to adapt to American college life. One of these, which at first sight may not be considered as so important, is the difference in fashion and clothing. Talking to some of the international students, I have learnt that the student fashion is very different around the globe. All the students I have spoken to agree that the American students dress quite differently from how they do in their home countries. But, what are the main differences?
Good job with your blog! ;)
I completely agree with what every single one of these students are saying! In Europe, people are so focused on fashion, and I love that about European culture. They are always presentable and well put together, and would not leave the house without putting some thought into their outfit.
I have never and will never go to class in my pjs. I think that it creates a bad impression to professors, etc.
I grew up in a home that was immersed in European culture, and I think that my family would also agree that going out immediately after rolling out of bed is just something we do not do!
I found this blog entry to be so entertaining and insightful :)
I guess everyone is different and cultural influences also affect what people wear.
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